Austin Cactus 
& Succulent Society


Membership in our society shall be open to anyone having an active interest in cacti and succulents.  Our membership includes people of varied backgrounds, ages, and interests.

Annual dues are $15 for individuals and $20 for two or more people at the same address.  If you join after the July meeting, memberships are half price- $7.50 and $10 respectively.  


We are now accepting membership dues on the website!

Please click on the button below that best fits your criteria.

NEW MEMBERSPlease fill out the membership application.

Current Members: Click below to pay annual dues.

Annual Individual Membership


Pay now

Annual Family Membership - 2 or more at same address


Pay now

Name tags are $20. Contact Mike Rupe to place order.

For membership information please contact Mike Rupe, Vice President for Membership at
© Austin Cactus and Succulent Society
Powered by Wild Apricot Membership Software